Sunday, September 4, 2011

List of Educational Websites

www wikipedia .com
www. webster .com

Monday, August 1, 2011

Educational Technology 2 Practicum

                                    Before talking about the complicated ones, I think it is best that we start with the basic and review on the basics.We need to review on  basic micro soft word, power point and alike and also in internet usage for it is a good tool in inquiry.

                                    Patience and understanding is need by the teachers in inter-grating technology in the teacher-learning process for not all your students have an identical pacing and not all of them is as fast as you do.Also to consider is the availability and usability  of the equipment in their homes and in the school it self.Some students may be good in internet software  yet not good in the other.Practicum is needed to refresh them.

What you taught should also be applied


The Internet and Education

                              Internet or Net is the largest network system of all system.It is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet Protocol Suite to serve billions of people world wide. 

                                 The internet makes our life a bit convenient. It helps us get connected to people right away, like email, chat, video chat and alike. It helps us research on information, pictures, and videos that we need. It helps us go to other places without being actually being there, a good help in education.The internet also get us updates with news.The social networking also get us connected to our friends and even find new friends from it.Business can also be done through the internet like online shopping.

  Such a convenient for us,limitless,  but we need to be responsible to every action being undertaken.



Understanding Hypermedia


    Hypermedia is nothing but this time is packed with educational computer software wherein information is present and student activities are integrated in a virtual learning environment.Most IT applications are hypermedia and have either tutorial software packages, knowledge websites and learning project management.This needed to be understand well so to ensure the successful integration of this in the teacher-learning process.

         Teachers need to check that a hypermedia application should have a learner control and learner had a wide range of navigation route.It is important that it get learner's attention, they can recall previous lessons, informative to them, guide and provide feedback to them, enhance learning transfer and retention especially in software application.

           The resources are almost in our hands, it is for us to do something on it.

The Software as an Educational Resource

                        The hardware is nothing when there is no software.Software is important because here we can do what we need to do.The software can be applications or system software.The system software is the operating system bundled inside the computer while application system commands a certain task or need.

                           Application software can be custom made or commercially packed ( Microsoft word).

                           In applying this in education, we teachers should be first in understanding a certain software.We need to check it usage, accuracy, logic information and coherence.We also make sure it meet up in attaining the learning objectives we wanted to met and be sensitive that it cant be gender bias.Why?It is for the total benefit of our students depending on us.

Cooperative Learning with Computer


             Ideally, 1:1 should be the pupil-student ratio.This ratio is being applied by most of the progressive countries.In our country, the ratio is 2:1 or 4:1, but this didn't stop the teachers pursue of catering the knowledge of basic computer to students.Creativity of teachers set in and they use cooperative learning.

                 Cooperative learning is grouping students for a common and certain task.They should have a common goal.Interdependence, interaction, individual accountability and social skills should be seen once this learning is being applied in a certain task.This encourages active learning while motivating the students.This is also increases academic performance, promotes literacy and language skills, teacher effectiveness and social development of students.

              The computer can be the vehicle for a certain task for learning and also it is needed to emphasized the need of cooperation and collaboration to students.

            This is a good venue for learning because we are not only teaching knowledge but also we are teaching them how it is to interact with people around them which is important for in this world we do interact with people and not just machines.

        I sink we sink, I float we float.


Monday, July 25, 2011

Information Technology in Support of Student Centered Learning

John Dewey is highly active in arguing that highly active and individualized pedagological methods that places the learner at the center of the learning process.

We educators need to move forward and to adjust to suit the needs of the students&the time.

In traditional classroom, it is more on teacher-led discussion.At times when the lesson is lengthy the students become more restless or may lack attention.Teachers then may give sit works for students to have something to get busy at to maintain classroom management and also for developing students to have idea, to be critical and creative thinkers at the end.

But the world changes from time to time

We need active learners and not passive learners.We need learners to demonstrate independence and self awareness in the learning process.This is now the new school classroom environment.

This new set up is a departure from the traditional worksheets.Students can also can get hold with technology using this new set up.They can perform computer processing, prepare powerpoint processing, search new information in the internet, brainstorming, but let us not forget that teachers are still needed to serve as facilitators.

As I keep on saying, traditional or modern, what is important is the type of  quality of education we offer to our learners.
