Sunday, July 3, 2011

Educational Technology in the Asia Pacific Region

        Asia Pacific Region is compose of the different country as seen in the map below.

             New Zealand, Malaysia , Singapore, and Hong Kong  their government had already come up with new strategies to raise the quality of education in their country. They include technology , global information and communication technology in their goal, aim, strategy, focus and initiative planning.They also improve their curriculum and assessment so students can not just be full of knowledge but also has a mastery of skills in all aspect.They also wanted their students to be a person with EQ and not just with IQ.Include also are the improvement of infrastructure to cater each student's needs.Teacher development and school management is also included in the focus since they are in the main players of the game. This only shows that these countries is trying to keep their learners to be abreast of the new trend and needs so to make them globally competitive.

            Their state policies can be of a great help for the Philippines to come up with a similar state policies like such.I know it won't be difficult in aiming for quality education in this country for we have good quality educators and soon to be educators.I can't say we are really far behind for I can see some schools or some teachers already been integrating IT classrooms or been using modern technology in their classes.In our city, integration of EQ is already been  encourage and computer use as well.Maybe what we need is a join support and more financing to meet up this new trend instead of whining,  thinking that we are far behind. Why not make use of what we have and what we are capable of?

             Modern or not, the most important is the quality of education  the educators can give to the learners.

1 comment:

  1. Instead of focusing on the inserting the K12 to our educational system,the government should give priority to the modernization of our school.The technology can provide the knowledge that the students can learn in additional years in basic education.We will probably the nation in southeast Asia that will adopt the 12 years basic education but score low in the updating of technology.
