Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Review on Educational Technology 1

        In the past, if we will be ask to describe how is education being delivered to the learners, what we can picture out is a teacher teaching inside a classroom.This is what traditional teaching is but time flies so fast  and new strategies for education emerges to satisfy the need of the eager learners and dedicated educators.New theorist, theory, and strategies emerges to satisfy the quest and the demands of the changing world , Educational Technology is one of these.
         Education as defined is a process of  transmitting accumulated knowledge, values, and skills to one generation to the other, while technology is the making, usage and knowledge of tools, techniques, crafts, system or methods for organization in order to solve a problem or serve some purpose (Wikipedia). These two concepts been emerge in the objective of  Educational Technology 1.
         In that subject , learners been oriented to the different technology in the present society and the world.They been taught of their importance, usage and been introduce to a new avenue for learning. A door that opens to a learner's new perspective of education.
