Monday, July 11, 2011

The Computer as a Tutor

           Computer before they said was only use for mathematical solving and logical operation.Years and years past, the big computer that can accommodate a room because of it's size is now in everyone's home and hands.It is now called your personal computer (PC), Laptop, Notebook, Notepad. It can be seen at our very own home, offices, business, industries and now in school.
           Educators has seen as a good avenue for individualized instruction and learning.Wherein they can install programs in each PC that the student is assign to and  they can do the lesson / activity base on the instruction of the teacher.Their attendance and performance can be measured too.

          Yet let us not forget that computers aren't there to replace teachers.They are invented to assist and not to over rule. The programs, instructions, objectives and learning outcome is being made by the teacher and being feed to the computer so to be used by the students.This make the computer a partner of the teacher in the learning instruction, a new learning environment for drill, practice and feed backing.The students is there to receive the knowledge and skills being shared to them, so they can apply, retain and be inform.

        Also, our students aren't machines as well, they also need personal interaction from their teachers in the real world and not just in the cyber world.
